Title: 'Under The Skin' (2011)
Artist: Gordon Keddie
Size: 60cm x 40cm x 2cm (23.6” x 15.7”)
Materials: Chinese Lacquer on Canvas
Code: GK-0005
Details: Unframed | Signed & Dated by artist
Price: $1,225.00 USD*
Under the Skin' is part of a series of drip paintings, as an investigation into the experiences of Jackson Pollock.
I wanted to experience the depth of conscious to automatic controls which are at play during the creation process.
The combination of brush pour and dribble, direct pour from a tin, adjustment of the picture surface to create runs, while still retaining and developing the overall image, is without a doubt, one of the most sophisticated multi-task systems of painting. There is a rhythm and joy - a bonding with the process that is as addictive as it is emotionally all encompassing.
The energy rush, sweat, pace and immediacy is humbling, when you focus on the power of the paint, finding its way with such infinite variety.
I can only conclude that Pollock's addictive personality can only have been fed by this form of painted work - bare and primitive, connected to the paint - a battle for control, like drawing with water.
*exclusive of shipping