It’s often the case that no matter how focused and fastidious the branding, some simple company areas are overlooked.
So it was, recently, with the simplest of bill-books and receipts. In this ‘eworld’ where the brand is king, where each point of mass interaction is lovingly adorned with the premise that we ‘get the message out there’, how is it that the most obvious mechanisms stay unchanged, too comfortably familiar or just downright forgotten?
Priority? Convenience? Cost of existing printed matter? Any one of these could be the reason for the ‘forgotten’, some more relevant than others, but the fact of the matter is that an eye for detail is not a skill only designated to a designer or printer. Your brand is the skin that covers your company. Attention to detail relieves the cracking and rough patches which may begin as immaterial, but at some time in the near future, will stand out as a raw and uncomfortable patch which often takes too long to heal.
As a business owner you will see those patches. When you do, list them. Discuss them with your designer and brand managers. If they distract from the existing plan, or budget, make a firm commitment to resolving them within a fixed period of time. The upgrade will reaffirm confidence and keep that brand working for you in many unexpected areas, while beginning the process of a true attention to detail, the basis of all respected products and services.