
Steady Evolution and Patience

 At PresentImage we believe in steady evolution, with a focus on patience.

All too often we are confronted with companies who vest themselves in the drama and fever of change. 

As the baby is unceremoniously thrown out with the bathwater, we find them diving into unrelated choices, entangled with disconnection and then calling it ‘new’.

Many of our contemporaries offer change as if it came with a fix all tag; a guarantee of success though dumping all and starting fresh. Unfortunately, there is nothing fresh about the inevitably expensive confusion and chaos which unplanned ‘change’ may cause, apart from maybe the next particular version of it. 

It’s easy to climb right in, but takes forever to get back out.

Personnel, money, investment, product and strategy can become a tangled ball of string if a single path is not sought out, in the middle of sales targets and expansion.

From the outset, we spend a great deal of time developing clarity of thought, vision and action, to create the root and path for our clients, to grow and expand towards business longevity.

Rosser Reeves, one of the great 1960s architects of modern advertising created his principle of the ‘Single Minded Proposition’.  It simply suggested that the offer should provide a specific benefit, which was totally unique, would move masses and win over new customers. His proposition related largely to advertising.

We saw this as a basis to create a clearer approach towards identity and branding, production and development, product and sales.  Ours is an integrated and holistic single mindedness.  A strong sense of strategy, which embraces well crafted dynamism and evolution.  It has a plan. The plan evolves. It keeps its sense and its uniqueness, while ingesting challenges and successes as part of a greater learning curve.  Reeves unique selling point matured, deepened and refined.

Our work strengthens our clients, answers questions and reveals opportunities, new conversations and connections to markets, without losing their existing footing.

There is no fanfare for steady evolution, just an enduring and increasing customer confidence, as our clients achieve stronger overall market recognition.  A business needs a confident market.  PresentImage will help you build reliability and consistency to bring that trust and nurture it.

 Join us at Presentimage as we clarify your proposition, with our particular brand of dynamic patience.

Contact us Today!

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