Whether you are on the back of a van in East Lane Market, on Fifth Avenue, your own website or mobile phone, if it’s business, you wish to communicate. You must convey your message and have an audience to receive it and respond.
You are not a lottery, so you probably want more than ‘come one come all’. Choose your audience; those who would be most interested in your offering.
There are undoubtedly so many offerings out there, good and bad. So you choose what you say, how you say it, deliver it in a compelling manner, hold the potential customer’s attention and #present them with your particular story which moves them to respond to your call to action. Sounds of a tall order.
My dad used to say that one time business was not business. He retired after 50 years of a successful career in the retail supermarket trade, so he knew a thing or two about finding ways to attract them and make them return, or send someone else instead.
Those ‘ways’ were ‘speaking’ to customers. The engagement takes many forms. Visuals, words, symbols, colours, advisories, breaking news, white paint on shop windows with discounts and bargains, flyers and hand bills, media ads and proclamations, billboards and web ads, emails and newsletters are a cross section of the vehicles we now possess to get our message to the ears of those who wish to listen.
At Presentimage we plan and manage those conversations for you.
We find ways to solicit your best audience and script those communications, both visually and verbally, to build your oasis as an unobstructed customer resource. We cut through the noise, raising the quality of the conversation, making the #image understandable and simplifying the process of customer loyalty, by customer empowerment.
In the words of Matthew McConaughey in the now iconic testimonial car commercial:
‘I’ve been driving a Lincoln since long before anybody paid me to drive one.”
It is this kind of presence and loyalty that we search for; finding those who “just like it” and provide the opportunity to those not yet exposed, to fully appreciate your #brand culture of customer knowledge and industry confidence. Most of all, the #content of the message must be rich and full, to solicit comfort and familiarity, devoid of din and interference. Simplicity and common sense, knowledge and empowerment will always succeed over grand talk and lipstick on the pig.
Knowledge is refreshment for the brain. Let’s assist you to become a watering hole for your skills and industry understanding, which is customer compelling and rehydrating. Then the more you feed, the more your audience will wish to eat.
We believe in creating satisfying content, using a media mix to pull focus to the brand.
It’s about the shortest distance between two points; speaking from mouth to ear and being heard.