You are tired of the doldrums that seems to have overtaken your business.
Everything appears harder than it ever was and you hear yourself echo as you speak to clients. The orders are thinning out with your hair and you feel the machinery of your work grinding and threatening to halt.
It’s not uncommon. Excitement wanes and if it goes unchecked, becomes that sad shadow of you that was once vibrant, keen and full of vigor. I say ‘unchecked’ because ‘checked’ would imply that you are aware at all points that you are on a wave. There is an ebb and flow. That’s business and the key to staying up there is re-invention.
Bowie did it, Steve Jobs was a master too, as was Martha Stewart, you name them. It is the need for adjustment and the broom which sweeps clean; the redefinition of things.
As Mary Martin sang in the 1949 Broadway musical, South Pacific, “I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair”, so we have to do the same, to clean house.
Truth is, markets get stale and bored, customers get cynical and tedium sets in, when there is no change, no difference and no dynamism. The market moves with establishment, but responds energetically to innovation. It’s energy that is required to unlock this impasse.
You will note that the multi brand corporations have a propensity for ‘new and improved’, ‘added vitamin C’, ‘Now with…’. All of this is the smokescreen of update and makeover repositioning to suit a new sales funnel or target group, but not a radical difference.
We believe that reinvention is more than extra medication or added smoke.
It is a dynamic evolution at the heart of your business and a simplification and clarification of your core philosophy, about your raison d’être and the value of what you sell. It is how you service pre and post sale, how you lift up your customers and maintain a positive, progressive conversation, regarding the way in which you keep your market informed.
It is an agreement stating
‘new now. new future’.
PresentImage was built on creating optimistic and positive identities and trading enthusiasm. We have reinvented and adjusted businesses to suit not only the aspirations of our clients, but the aspirations of their markets.
In deepest recession, we urged all our clients to build a positive ‘firewall’ by maintaining a cost effective presence. When a company stands firm in times of trial, its customers derive confidence and optimism. During these times we counseled streamlining internally, while planning a ‘rebirth’, or new income stream, to offset a depression in core sales. Then came recovery with benefits.
Reinvention may well mean new makeup, a change of wardrobe and a radical infusion of new words and repacked products and services. We can deliver in all of these cases. It also means an extreme update of philosophy, psychology and internal valuation to arrive at a better, happier place, which impacts as internally as it does in the market. We see this as core in our approach, as we develop an evolution strategy, where what is new now, becomes the new future, open ended and easily repurposed. The optimum reinvention.
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