Title: 'Above' (2012)
Artist: Gordon Keddie
Size: 76.2cm x 55.9cm (30” x 22”)
Materials: Acrylic on 638gm deckle edge rag paper.
Details: Unframed | Signed & Dated by artist
Price: $540.00 USD*
I had been heavily involved in the planning of a new home, spending many days staring at and adjusting plans,
to position everything from the building, to drains, electrical connections and gate posts, to future expansion.
It was at that point that Google Maps came into play. I became intrigued by the overview of the area and imagining
the building and its infrastructure placed in this globally accessed image.
'Above' grew out of the notion that the 'painting' was in fact a Google Map of a much bigger canvas which one might travel to, to experience the complete picture and its environment. The choice of rag paper, rather than canvas seemed to be in keeping with the map theme.
*exclusive of shipping