If you intend to sell anything to anyone, you must know the product thoroughly, how your customer will use it, what they expect and how you will deliver it to them, with maximum success, satisfaction and positive broadcast, to receive willing return sales.
That process begins and ends with the combination of existing standards, which pertain to the product and your own perception of how the product should be perceived and used.
And just as it was thirty years ago, if those official parameters don't exist, think the user and health experience through and create them. Then contact your Bureau of Standards and work with them to an create accreditation. Chances are that there is something in existence as a starting point.
Our region has worked hard to develop and recognise the importance of common standards in packaging. From how the product is contained and preserved, to what is clearly stated and visually displayed. There must be no ambiguity. The checks and balances are clear; contents, weight, ingredients, best use, sell by date, origin and recourse. These allow the consumer to understand your offer and use the product appropriately, the way you intended and within this and other environments.
These limitations are for the protection of
manufacturer and consumer alike,
as we open our doors to a global range of products and risks.
Well crafted guidelines help production too. The goal of manufacture is product consistency. A combination of sensibly managed, reliable, eco friendly packaging materials, good packaging equipment and hygene, will go a long way to achieving this.
Simple good behaviour!
With increased sales comes increased demand. Product consistency and production efficiency go hand in hand to create increased output, in response to the development of the market. With a strong narrative, quality, clear uniformity and targeted exposure, product recognition is inevitable.
The 'limitations' created by standards, should only enhance and reinforce consumer confidence in a well developed product and brand image.
As success builds, there is always a temptation to cut corners. If you never offer what you can't deliver and alway focus on the core game plan, the consumer response will, in time respect your attention to detail and consistency, leaving no need for quick fixes!
We must focus, as a region, on the details, however irksome.
We may never be bigger, but we can always be better; quality over quantity, function before form and trusted for our dedication to accuracy and standards.