The influence of Content is stronger than ever
and is now the buoyant currency of customer communication.
In our way of thinking, it always has been.
When we adopted the byline “giving life to ideas”, we pledged to create high quality work for our clients. It was to be reliable, authentic, interesting and valuable. It had to be on time and in context, relevant and could be repurposed.
We wanted to open a conversation of trust and send a message of confidence to our clients’ customers. Twenty years later, these perceptions, concepts, ideals and successes have, in the age of information, become defined as Content. This is the most influential distillation of sales and marketing communication for a great many years.
Content is high quality, reliable, authentic, useful, interesting, valuable, entertaining or enlightening published information. It conveys a story, designed for consumption and sharing, in a contextually relevant and timely manner. Its goal is to solicit an emotional response and an active engagement, such as a call to action, which makes it trackable as useful data.
It is a compilation of sharable ideas and messages. It shares in a one way conversation between you and the recipient and two-way between the recipient and you, or between recipients. It can be used to create more content and can be repurposed.
Content is device agnostic and non intrusive and can be expressed using a variety of formats. These include text, images, video, audio and/or presentations, published on blogs, webpages, social accounts, etc.
It fills a space. The space defines the context and therefore the type of content.
When used in a marketing environment, authentic Content should be branded without promotion, be genuinely useful to the target audience and use a call-to-action to be trackable.
These definitions and, in a sense, guidelines, allow us to create visuals and copy which serve to maintain our clients’ corporate and product presence in their respective markets.
They also maintain our clients’ identity as a Content brand. They are perceived as a company which respects its customers’ right to make informed decisions through unbiased, useful information and assistance, potentially across all media platforms.
PresentImage has always maintained an evolutionary and fluid approach to the current skills required to feed and develop our clients’ needs for connection and consumer confidence.
Staying in the present and keeping our clients there, is the essence of ‘giving life to ideas’. It is also the best reason to open a new conversation with us and discover a fresh clarity in your company’s story.